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Auteur(s) : Mets Alan
Edition : L' ecole des loisirs2011
ISBN :2211040845

Public : Jeunesse

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La recherche du code EAN [2211040845] n'a donné aucun résultat sur Fnac...

titre:   Etoile

Auteur(s):   William Whitehead,  

Année de publication:   2023-03-26

Edition(s):   BoD – Books on Demand

Nombre de pages:   150

Reprint of the original, first published in 1872. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historical books as reprints. Due to their age, these books may have missing pages or inferior quality. Our aim is to preserve these books and make them available to the public so that they do not get lost.

titre:   L'etoile


Année de publication:   1874


Nombre de pages:   12


titre:   A Riffaterrean Reading of Patrick Modiano's La Place de L'étoile

Auteur(s):   Charles O'Keefe,  

Année de publication:   2005

Edition(s):   Summa Publications, Inc.

Nombre de pages:   230


titre:   First and Second Term at L'Etoile

Auteur(s):   Holly Willoughby,  
Kelly Willoughby,  

Année de publication:   2014-11-13

Edition(s):   Hachette UK

Nombre de pages:   248

A 2-in-1 edition of the first two sparkling School for Stars stories by TV presenter Holly Willoughby and her sister Kelly. On the first day of term at L'Etoile, School for Stars, twins Maria and Molly Fitzfoster meet Pippa Burrows who's won a song-writing scholarship to the school. The talented trio share the same dreams of super-stardom and become best friends. But will their friendship stand up against Lucifette Marciano's plans to wreck their chances and claim fame for herself? And in their second term, Molly, Maria and Pippa are reunited for plenty more fun and surprises. A midnight mystery, a precious lost rose, centenary celebrations, a playful puppy with a twinkle in its eyes, and a royal visit are just some of the things that make them friends for ever.

titre:   Second Term at L'Etoile

Auteur(s):   Holly Willoughby,  
Kelly Willoughby,  

Année de publication:   2013-08-01

Edition(s):   Hachette UK

Nombre de pages:   125

The second novel from the bestselling SCHOOL FOR STARS series written by celebrity sisters Holly and Kelly Willoughby. Catch up with Molly, Maria and Pippa as they return for their second term at the all-singing, all-dancing L'Etoile school. Christmas break is over and the three friends are reunited as they begin their second term at L'Etoile, the exclusive School for Stars. Little do they know what fun and surprises lay in store for them. A midnight mystery, a precious lost rose, centenary celebrations, a playful puppy with a twinkle in its eyes, and a royal visit are just some of the things that make them friends for ever. This book is GLEE for 9+ and is perfect for fans of BALLET SHOES and MALLORY TOWERS.

titre:   Third Term at L'Etoile

Auteur(s):   Holly Willoughby,  
Kelly Willoughby,  

Année de publication:   2014-03-27

Edition(s):   Hachette UK

Nombre de pages:   126

The third title in the bestselling SCHOOL FOR STARS series written by TV presenter and celebrity Holly Willoughby and her sister Kelly. Our favourite friends are back for another exciting term at the exclusive L'Etolie school. Molly, Maria and Pippa are back for another term at L'Etoile and there are plenty of new adventures in store for them... A television show has come to school and plans are afoot for a glittering end of term charity fundraiser. But there's never an adventure without a drama at L'Etoile, and with Molly's Hollywood audition, the dreaded summer exams and the return of Lucifette Marciano with her truly hideous friend, we're just not sure how the girls are going to survive. This book is GLEE for 9+ and is perfect for fans of BALLET SHOES and MALLORY TOWERS.

titre:   L’étoile poignardée ou Poétique de la Nécessité

Auteur(s):   Dieurat Clervoyant,  

Année de publication:   2023-04-08

Edition(s):   African Books Collective

Nombre de pages:   186

Dans la conjoncture des choses observables sur l'état de la relation entre les diverses catégories ou entités sociales et internationales qui fondent les sociétés et les nations, il n'est de place, et il n'en a presque jamais eu dans toute l'Histoire, pour aucun discours, aucune pensée qui ne s'articule pas autour de la nécessité d'une combativité guerrière. Cet ouvrage, baptisé Poétique de la Nécessité, propose une vision qui fera taxer son auteur de bien d'épithètes désobligeantes ; on l'affublerait même de prêcher la résignation ou la lâcheté. Mais y a-t-il un seul modèle de pensée antagonique à l'ordre établi qui ait jamais réussi à reverser l'Ordre des relations ?

titre:   First Term at L'Etoile

Auteur(s):   Holly Willoughby,  
Kelly Willoughby,  

Année de publication:   2013-06-20

Edition(s):   Hachette UK

Nombre de pages:   128

The enchanting debut novel from the immensely popular SCHOOL FOR STARS series, written by sisters Holly and Kelly Willoughby. This book is for every girl who has ever danced in front of the mirror, sung into a hairbrush, or dreamed of becoming a star. We are the Willoughby sisters and we have a story to share with you about one of the most important things in the world - friendship. On the first day of term at L'Etoile, School for Stars, twins Maria and Molly Fitzfoster meet Pippa Burrows who's won a song-writing scholarship to the school. The talented trio share the same dreams of super-stardom and become best friends. But will their friendship stand up against Lucifette Marciano's plans to wreck their chances and claim fame for herself? This book is GLEE for 9+ and is perfect for fans of BALLET SHOES and MALLORY TOWERS.

titre:   School for Stars: Double Trouble at L'Etoile

Auteur(s):   Holly Willoughby,  
Kelly Willoughby,  

Année de publication:   2015-03-12

Edition(s):   Hachette UK

Nombre de pages:   126

Catch up with Molly, Maria, Pippa and Sally for more glamour and mystery in their second year at L'Etoile, in this fifth SCHOOL FOR STARS story by popular TV presenter Holly Willoughby and her sister Kelly. Molly, Maria, Pippa and Sally are back for a new year at L'Etoile and they can't wait to get their skates on at the school's new Glacier Palace ice-rink! But after the arrival of a new set of twins at L'Etoile, jealously threatens to pull the girls apart! With new faces, new friends and a very ghostly surprise, this term promises more fun, more excitement and more mystery than ever before. This book is GLEE for 9+ and is perfect for fans of BALLET SHOES and MALLORY TOWERS.

titre:   Dictionnaire complet français et russe

Auteur(s):   Ivan Ivanovič Tatiščev,  

Année de publication:   1816


Nombre de pages:   552


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